Shared hosting refers to a web hosting environment where many websites reside on one web-server. You as a customer share a server with other customers. Usually it's about 100 to 400 accounts in one server. So, what you need to consider before you buy shared web hosting plan?
On the other hand, if you buy Shared Web Hosting package you have every aspect of your weblog under the control. There is very simple solution for those who want to install their own weblog on the shared host without any special technical knowledge. Download PHP script called WordPress (it can be downloaded for free), change the config file, upload it to the server and run the install file. If you are looking for easier way to start your own blog you can find a web hosting company which has pre-installed scripts. Scripts like WordPress are presented almost in any installer.
Linux web server is very well-known that capable of running hundreds of tasks at the same time with stability. But it doesn't mean Windows web server is bad. The right term would be like this; Linux can max out server capacity but windows can not. So web hosting company maybe do this: 400 Shared Web Hosting UK hosting account if using Linux and 350 shared hosting account if using Windows platform.
Word of mouth is a great way to hear as to who is a good host and a bad host. If you know somebody in a similar position to you, ask their opinion from their experience. There are plenty of good honest web host companies out there but like every market there are a few bad apples. Ask the questions and make sure you are confident with the replies before you join up.
To find the right Affordable Web Hosting, you need to find that custom fit. Forget about signing up with a host who offers you extra services and add-ons you won't need. Here's a quick run down on what you will absolutely need to have no matter which host you choose.
Another thing you should look at is whether or not you want to host multiple domain names with your one hosting package. Both shared hosting and dedicated hosting can allow you to do this. A lot of share hosting services now allow this.
These 3 companies have proven themselves to thousands of customers over the years and all offer an affordable web hosting plan that will be right for your situation.